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Lytec 2025 Pre-Sale Has Started!
Save up to 75% on Upgrades Thru 11/16/2024!
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Lytec 2025 Practice Management is here!
Introducing all new functionality for 2025!

The standard in billing software
Lytec 2025
CGM Pay Payment Processing
Charge Entry Messaging Copy
Enhanced Patient Responsibility Estimate
Smarter Expanded Search Capability
Charge Entry Date of Service Check
History of Patient Insurance
Duplicate Charge Warning
The Lytec Practice Management (PM) System from CGM offers the stability that thousands of users trust to run their practices and get their bills paid. With 2025, Lytec debuts all-new technology that makes the application fast and easy-to-use so office staff can accomplish more in less time.
Check out what’s new in Lytec 2025!
New Feature!
CGM PAY Payment Processing
CGM LYTEC 2025 practices can now enjoy a fully integrated credit card and ACH payment processing option. Automate monthly patient payments more easily with CGM PAY.
With CGM PAY for CGM LYTEC, administrators can:
Manage refunds and voids
Update payment methods
Print and reprint receipts
Save multiple payment types including a patient’s preferred payment method
Integrate with the popular patient statements offered through our own, trusted eMEDIX clearinghouse
To simplify your transaction management, CGM LYTEC
includes a new dashboard view of successful transactions,
failed payments, payment plans, and saved cards—all in
one location.
New Feature!
Improved Charge Entry Messaging
Charge Entry messaging is more powerful in CGM LYTEC 2025. A new date-based warning message will alert users if they enter dates of service outside of specified parameters. This important messaging ensures that your users are coding within a valid date range. Messaging & rules are customizable and you may now copy existing messaging rules to easily assist in creating a new alert.
New Feature!
History of Patient Insurance
CGM LYTEC 2025 adds the ability to track a patient’s
insurance history. See when a patient’s insurance was
terminated or when they switched from one carrier to
New Feature!
Enhanced Patient Responsibility Estimate
Deliver better service at the point of care with the eMEDIX Patient Responsibility Estimate. Provide a good-faith
cost estimate for planned procedures by quickly running a patient’s insurance eligibility for the planned procedure
codes. Save time with pre-configured Linked Transactions for common procedure bundles. In CGM LYTEC 2025, this service expands for self-pay and uninsured patients.
This integrated estimate display allows the user to make any patient or insurance adjustments for coverage, copays, coinsurance, remaining deductibles, etc. Past payments and charge histories are factored in to provide a more accurate estimate.
Providers can print and save patient estimates and have the option to tailor them with customizable messaging.
New Feature!
Smarter, Expanded Search Capability
No longer bound by an “exact match” restriction, the new “partial match” filter for multiple reports lets users search by references included within the transactions. This small addition removes a common pain point and helps users find the information they need much more quickly.
New Feature!